A New Year


While working into the wee hours last night, I got a visit from an unexpected stranger just stopping in to say hello. A friendly face. One much needed after the shelf incident. By then, it was all cleaned up, the power was back on and I had orders to fill – determined to turn that day around even though it probably would have been my best bet to call it a day and walk out the door. But, I didn’t. And because of it, I made my very first walk-in SALE and I’m not technically open yet.

I think that is probably the best representation of how my year has been. There were so many terrible things happening around me – so many deaths, an election that still blows my mind, close friends going through some really tough times, the list goes on. It was a year of the unthinkable and through each incident, I gripped onto the life I had that much more. It certainly isn’t perfect, but as we all witnessed this year – it’s short. Insanely short. And I don’t intend on wasting any of it.

It became a year of taking risks – quitting a job I had for over 5 years, HUSTLING to get a business launched after quitting said job with no plan (thankfully I learned a lot from my husband, so this was able to happen quickly), moving to San Francisco and back, selling my home, signing a LEASE on an office, starting a candle line. I mean, pure crazy talk.

And even though there have been so many moments – like everyday moments – that I think I’m headed in the wrong direction, I change my tude, keep moving and good things continue to come out of it. Even if they are very, very small. Like a friendly face and a $12 candle purchase at 9PM.

Tomorrow marks a new year and while I have a list of personal resolutions, you may have noticed that I started one a little early and that is to be more transparent about my process and some of the ugly stuff too. I never felt good about posting these beautiful, glamorous snippets of my not-so-perfect life. It’s not really who I am and something I’d like to change this year. I think it will be good for me. I promise not to be a downer and share every detail like running out of toilet paper or dropping my coffee. Just some real life sh*t that I think we could all use a little more of. So, if you’re into it – please follow along (instagram is my social media tool of choice) and see how this average gal who doesn’t know what she’s doing, doing things. And as my husband always says “we’re all going to be dirt one day”, so my New Years wish for all of you is to do a little leaping, be weird, and make it the best year yet. I know you have it in you.

Angela Satterlee2 Comments